CMS to your project years of design and forensic experience to support you and your project needs. We can provide project planning, Quality Control or Quality Assurance, specification development and many other services to support your project. We have facilities to perform work both from fixed facilities or no your remote projects utilizing a fleet of portable laboratories.
Our experience ranges from simple QA/QC to construction a complex placement and testing plan to ensure the owner receives the product that the project engineer specified.
Forensic Investigation in available in the event something gone, you can call us and our team will dig deep into the problem and offer resolutions to stabilize the deficiency.

CMS also has the unique ability to design and test High Performance Concrete (HPC), we can perform the Concrete Creep, Coulomb values and ultrahigh compressive strength, these tests are necessary to design and evaluate the concrete for this application.

Chloride Permeability Tester

Creep Frame (Permanent Deformation)